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SCR EC Power Supply

Product Name:Electrophoretic Coating Power Supply


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Product Details

Product Specification Table

No. Maximum reference electrophoresis area Specification   Capacity / kva Weight / kg
1 8 m² HYK22-100A 300V 36 544~565
350V 42
400V 48
2 10 m² *HYK22- 125A 300V 45 580~610
350V 52.5
400V 60
3 13 m² *HYK22- 160A 300V 57.6 680~621
350V 67.2
400V 76.8

* Represents non-priority value.
The weight is calculated value, is deviated from the actual value, and is for reference only.

Model Definition

H Y K 2 2 - Current / Voltage
HongCheng Electrophoretic coating power supply K:SCR
1:Single control
2:Double control
1:LCD display / 485 Net work
2:Touch screen / Customer
  Rated DC current   Rated DC voltage

■ Brand of standard low voltage component:Schneider ■ Fully independent double control system ■ Case: ASMO (Hangzhou Xiaoshan) Micromotor Co., Ltd.
Product Consultation

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Telephone Consultation

Address: First Floor of Building 6,North Block, University Science Park, No.5699 North Second Ring Road, Baoding City, Hebei Province
Sales hotline:+86-0312-3917333              Technical support: 0312-3917233
Fax: +86-0312-5096310            Mail: hc@hong-cheng.cn

Address:Floor 1, Zone 5, South Yard, Weikong Electromechanical Industrial Park, 123 Huaguang Road, Gaokai District, Baoding City, Hebei Province

Fax:+86-0312-5096310    Email:hc@hong-cheng.cn

Hotline:+86-0312-3917333    Technical Support:+86-0312-3917233

Copyright ? Hongcheng Converter Manufacturing Co.,Ltd

Hebei ICP prepared 11024928    


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